Monday, April 6, 2009



Story 2

Leo is a good humoured looking chap, who invariably wears a grin, he is also a good listener, and consequently very knowledgeable.

One particular morning he was putting his gumboots on, when he spotted a car coming up the drive, he wandered over, and took his usual stand just outside the gate where his left hand could reach the electric wire if need be.

The driver got out, remarked on the beautiful weather, and on how lucky people were to live in the wide open spaces. Leo agreed with him. The visitor prattled on for awhile, then asked Leo how many children he had, etc., etc., then went in for a whole spiel of how Leo would be better if he embraced God, forget about trivialities, shut his mind up to the devil, and went on and on.

Leo never had a chance to get a word in for at least ten minutes, he just stood and listened. The man of God, thought he had a convert, and then asked Leo what he thought. Leo put his left hand on the hotwire reached out and shook the mans hand very firmly. The man of God reacted as expected. He jumped, twisted and tried to get away, but Leo was a strong man, he held on to him, and told him he was very impressed indeed, but his caller wasn't listening. Leo told him he would very much like to hear more, but his visitor was crossseyed by now, and dribbling at the mouth, so Leo let him go, as I said he was a kind hearted man. The man of God stood rooted to the spot, for about a minute, then dived for his car, Leo put his hand on the bonnet, and as the holy man went to open the door he got another shock. He promptly let that go, and stood looking at the car as if he expected it to disappear. He touched the door again, with the same result Leo then turned around and went back inside the house, Betty his better half asked him who had been in the car. Leo said he didn't know, the chap hadn't said his name, but was very shocked about something.

They came up to the wire breaking the heifers off, and Leo stood on it, while they stepped over, Janet had one leg over, and Leo the rascal, took his boot off the electric fence and it sprung up between her legs. The first shock came as soon as it made contact, she screamed like a banshee. Poor John didn't know what had happened for awhile, by the time she had had 3 or 4 shocks she was very vocal indeed, John grabbed hold of her arm, and he got one too, so he let her go again, Leo was trying half heartedly to stand on the wire again, which wasn't made any easier by Janet's contortions, then she fell over and the wire was lying between her knees and she being really earthed now was getting the full energy of the fence. Leo realising he had gone to far, kicked the wire out between her legs and stood on it. Janet lay stricken, her breath coming in gasps. John helped her to her feet. She was crying and gasping, she rounded on poor John told him he had done it on purpose, Leo was dumbfounded, he was the culprit, and when he tried to intervene, and admitted he had done it, she wouldn't believe it. While he was putting the wire back on the standard, Janet belayed John.

When they arrived back at the house, Janet had her tongue back in action again. Betty looked at Leo with an accusing look.

After Leo came in from milking that night, Janet was chatting away to Betty. Leo had never seen her so bright, she greeted Leo with a big smile.

Having tea she brought the fence business up and laughed heartedly about it. Leo couldn't get over it. He had heard tat some people get stimulated by shocks. Don't they give people shock treatment for depression?

After they went home that night Betty asked him what had happened, he told her but admitted it turned out worse than he thought. He'd got a fright.

But they both remarked on how happy and radiant she looked after she had got over the incident. Leo said she was a bloody masochist and if John gave her some of the same treatment they'd both be better off.

"But hell, you should have seen her trying to get off that wire, she was hopping and screaming" he laughed and laughed.

The end.

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